1) Reflecting through my posts from this semester.
It was really fun to read through my posts throughout the semester. I had a lot of fun thinking about my venture concept every week and also reading through the concepts of my peers. The blog-style assignments worked as a great format for the class - even though ENT3003 is offered as an online class, I still felt engaged with my classmates. Together, we helped each other out with our individual ventures.
2) What sticks out to you as the most formative experience?
It was definitely finding and conducting interviews that made up my most formative experience. Before, I've taken classes where I've had to survey people across campus. Usually this requires only a quick exchanging of words. However, this semester was the first time that I've had the opportunity to actually sit down, interview, and get to know some of my interviewees. I've even picked up a friend or two that I still talk to today thanks to ENT3003.
3) At the beginning of the semester, I mentioned that I wanted each of you to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Now, at the end, do you see yourself as an entrepreneur? Do you think you have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset?
Sort of. I feel like I have a great understanding of what the entrepreneurial mindset is made of thanks to ENT3003, however, I don't think my own entrepreneurial mindset has developed much nor do I see myself much as an entrepreneur. I believe that the only real way to forge this mindset is to go out and practice it in real life.
4) What is the one recommendation you would make to the students who are going to journey down this path in the future? What would you recommend they do to perform best in this course? What would you recommend they do to foster that mindset?
For you future students - try to keep up with this class as best as possible, and don't let it sit on the backburner of your mind until the last minute. Its easy to forget assignment due dates, so foster the mindset of completing your assignments early in the week rather than waiting till the last minute.

I thought it was pretty cool that we were able to come up with a business idea and figure the ins and outs of it. I agree that the blog style format was great. I got a lot of good ideas about my venture from the comments that I received. I also don’t see myself as an entrepreneur. In my opinion, we’ve only touched the tip of the iceberg to what it means to be an entrepreneur. I do have a better understanding of it but it will just take more than a class semester to consider myself one.